
How do YOU see it?

I am ready to get this blog up and going.  Ready to share some ideas teachers around the country (world!) and connect with people I would otherwise never have the chance to meet.  It's been in my mind - almost daily - for nearly two years.  There's the part of me that thinks I am too busy to manage it all, but another piece of me that thinks it's now or never---and that I have to step out and give it a try.  Seeing as I have these two points of view - it's been an easy concept to explain to my kiddos!  We started by introducing FIRST PERSON and THIRD PERSON.  We then dove into some mentor texts and started looking closely at the points of view within a text and how they differ.  We read A Fine, FIne, School by Sharon Creech.  The kids saw the POVs so clearly!  
We are ready to take it to the next level now - I will be having the students compose two different points of view from a picture.  I've created a few versions that I plan to put in a larger POV pack on TpT, but for now, here is a link to a freebie for you! How do YOU teach POV?
 Picture Prompt Point of View

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